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Five Educators Selected 2025 Wisconsin Teachers of the Year
to ask questions, be authentic and creative. Brian’s innovative teaching methods and
Counard helps students become competent project-based learning approaches have not
and conscientious members of society by only kindled the curiosity of his students but
promoting the growth of the whole child – have also instilled a joy for learning in them.
academically, socially, and emotionally. She He has also successfully obtained a
strives to create a student-led environment, Big Ideas grant and has been resourceful in
and involves students in all aspects of her developing community partnerships. These
classroom, providing opportunities for them to partnerships have enabled students to partici-
realize the relevancy of what they are learn- pate in valuable field experiences that enrich
ing. Counard is also an advisor to the school’s their education and provide them with real-
National Junior Honor Society, where students world connections to their learning.
The Wisconsin Department of Public graduating from Milwaukee Public Schools.
Instruction has announced five educators At the state’s largest bilingual high school, address needs within the community. Brian’s tireless dedication to reimagin-
from across the state have been named 2025 Báez supports students in achieving their full Bethany’s impact on her school and the ing education and creating opportunities for
Wisconsin Teachers of the Year. The group potential through career and job preparation. students she interacts with can be encapsulated students to apply their knowledge in practical
received the honor for their dedication to the Through her work at the school, Báez helps in one particular relationship with a student ways, along with his passion for experiential
education profession and for the impact they english language learning students iden- during the 2022-23 school year. and outdoor learning, is a testament to his love
have on their students as learners and individu- tify and remove barriers from pursuing and Before the boy had received an official for transformative teaching.
als. The group was notified of their selection at achieving academic success. Prior to working ADHD diagnosis, Bethany employed strate- Congratulations, Brian!
separate, surprise ceremonies at their respec- at MPS, Báez was a bilingual case manager, gies to help his learning, focus, and attention
tive schools throughout a two-week span. advocating for bilingual families so they could during class, like allowing him to sit in a
Each teacher of the year receives $3,000 receive education on receiving healthcare ser- different spot when he needed a reset or to
from the Herb Kohl educational Foundation. vices. take a quick walk down the hallway when he
The Teachers of the Year will interview with Ana has distinguished herself at South was feeling restless. These proactive imple-
a committee that will select one of the five to Division High School by demonstrating mentations helped the 8th-grader feel more
represent Wisconsin in the National Teacher of ambition, leadership, and care for the school comfortable in the classroom and allowed him
the Year program. community. She has earned the respect of to excel.
The road to become a Wisconsin Teacher faculty, students, and parents because of her Bethany’s compassion and warm, wel-
of the Year starts when teachers are nomi- excellence in counseling and how she effec- coming, and engaging attitude ensure students
nated for a Herb Kohl educational Foundation tively connects with kids. (and parents) can be the best version of them-
Teacher Fellowship Award. Once nominated Ana’s work with refugee students is selves.
by a student, parent, administrator, or peer, remarkably important. She understands that Congratulations, Bethany!
the teacher must submit an application for a until children feel safe and loved, they don’t
Kohl Fellowship. Applications go through feel they’re in a space to heal and learn, issues
a review process that includes regional and often exacerbated by a language barrier. She is
statewide selection committees. A total of 86 forever creating safe spaces for children and
public school educators receive a Herb Kohl families.
Teacher Fellowship Award annually. The She always has the best interest of her Sarah Krajewski
award includes both a $6,000 personal grant students in mind and because of that, Milwau- Art teacher at Cambridge Elementary
and a $6,000 matching grant for their school. kee is a better place for young people. School (School District of Cambridge)
After the Kohl Fellows are selected, DPI Congratulations, Ana!
engages a group of stakeholders to use those Krajewski has taught at the school since
86 applications to select the five Wisconsin 2015 and has 13 years of overall teaching
Teachers of the Year. mps.milwaukee. experience in which she’s helped shape the lives of students while teaching them a love
The 2025 Wisconsin Teachers of creative expression through art. Krajewski’s
classroom features a painting of her teach-
of the Year are: ing philosophy: “My job is to Be HeRe for
you, mentally, emotionally, and artistically.”
Those values hold true to her teaching and the
support she provides to her students, ensur-
Brian Counselman ing their needs are met and that they have fun
Science teacher at Malcolm Shabazz City learning and engaging. As the art club advisor,
High School (Madison Metropolitan School Krajewski organizes an art show, which has
District) featured a petting zoo, food trucks and a scav-
enger hunt prior to unveiling a large-scale
Counselman has taught science and collaborative art project featuring thousands
experimental education at Malcolm Shabazz of pieces of student art.
City High School, an alternative school in the Her creative mind and welcoming per-
Bethany Counard Madison Metropolitan School District, for sonality extend to her classroom where
the past seven years. He also is the school’s
English language arts teacher at West De project-based learning coordinator and is cred- students are encouraged to express themselves
and try something new. Sarah instills mindful-
Ana Báez Pere Middle School (School District of West ited with creating impactful and meaningful ness, awareness, and self-appreciation through
Bilingual counselor at South Division High De Pere) lessons inspiring students to not only make her lessons.
School (Milwaukee Public Schools) Counard has taught eighth-grade ELA changes in themselves, but also within their Sarah’s inclusivity is a superpower. She
Báez is the daughter of Puerto Rican at the school since 2018, guiding students as respective communities.
immigrants, growing up in Milwaukee and they explore new topics and encouraging them
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