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        Six Wisconsin Teachers Named Finalists for National Math and Science

        Teaching Award

                                                                                finalists for the 2024 PAEMST are:     School,  Middleton-Cross  Plains  Area
                                                                                  •  Jacquelynn  Bazylewicz,  fifth  grade   School District
                                                                                    teacher (mathematics finalist), Edgewood   Presented  annually  since  1983,  K–12
                                                                                    Elementary, School District of Greenfield  science, technology, engineering, mathematics,
                                                                                  •  Debra  Heitman,  fifth  grade  teacher   and/or  computer  science  teachers  from  across
                                                                                    (mathematics  finalist),  Coleman  Elemen-  the nation are nominated for the award. States
                                                                                    tary School, Coleman School District  establish committees who select finalists based
                                                                                  •  Mary  Ellen  Kanthack,  sixth  grade   on  criteria  required  by  the  national  PAeMST
                                                                                    teacher  (science  finalist),  Brookwood   program. Applications  from  Wisconsin’s  final-
                                                                                    Middle School, Genoa City Joint 2 School   ists  will  be  judged  at  the  national  level  by  a
                                                                                    District                       committee  organized  by  the  National  Science
                                                                                  •  Sheila  Kohl,  fifth-sixth  grade  STEM   Foundation,  which  administers  PAeMST  on
                                                                                    teacher  (science  finalist),  West  De  Pere   behalf  of The White  House  Office  of  Science
                                                                                    Intermediate  School,  School  District  of   and Technology Policy. One awardee in math-
                                                                                    West De Pere                   ematics and one awardee in science will receive
                                                                                                                   a  $10,000  award  from  the  National  Science
            The  Wisconsin  Department  of  Public   ematics and Science Teaching, exemplify what it   •  Melissa Sperle, fifth grade teacher (math-  Foundation, professional development opportu-
        Instruction  has  announced  that  six  Wiscon-  means to be an effective educator,” Wisconsin’s   ematics  finalist),  Winskill  Elementary   nities, and are honored at an award ceremony in
        sin  educators  have  been  named  finalists  for   State Superintendent said. “They have expertise   School, Lancaster Community Schools  Washington, D.C.
        a  national  award  honoring  mathematics  and   in math and science, and they have an unwaver-  •  Rhonda  Veroeven,  sixth  grade  teacher   Courtesy of the Wisconsin DPI
        science teachers for their achievement in teach-  ing passion and commitment. I know they inspire   (science  finalist),  Glacier  Creek  Middle
        ing the subjects. The 2024 Presidential Awards   their students – they inspire all of us – and I con-
        for  Excellence  in  Mathematics  and  Science   gratulate them and thank them for going above
        Teaching  is  considered  the  highest  honor   and beyond in supporting their students.”  2025 Wisconsin Teachers of the Year
        bestowed by the u.S. government for math and   The teachers were named finalists for their
        science teachers.                   deep  knowledge  of  the  subjects  they  teach,  in   Continued from Page 20
            “These  amazing  teachers,  all  finalists  for   addition to facilitating and encouraging success
        Presidential  Awards  for  Excellence  in  Math-  among  students  in  those  areas.  Wisconsin’s   is  patient.  She  listens.  She  has  meaningful   with Agriculture Resources educational center
                                                                                responses to student’s questions. each lesson   and  manages  the  school  farm,  which  gives
                                                                                begins (for her 500+ students) with reciting the   students the opportunity to produce goods for
                 Templeton Principal Chosen                                     art room mantra- “I am positive, I am creative,   school lunch. She is also the National Asso-
                                                                                                                   ciation  of  Agricultural  educators’  mentor
                                                                                I am mindful, I am amazing, I am an artist!”
                 for State Honor                                                teachers  the  resources  they  need  when  they   facilitator, where she helps agriculture teachers
                                                                                   Her relentless dedication to bringing art
                                                                                                                   from around the nation develop inquiry-based
                                                                                need  them  is  truly  outstanding.  Her  work  at   instruction modules for students.
        Hamilton School District            and parents. Together, we are committed to pro-  Art Of education university and in her school   Her  impact  on  students  can  best  be
            Templeton  Middle  School  Principal  Brad   viding a supportive and empowering educational   and local communities has positively impacted   described  by  her  colleague,  Rebecca,  “To
        Hoffmann  was  selected  as  the  2023-24  Wis-  experience  that  prepares  our  students  not  only   teachers and students everywhere.  watch Rachel instruct is to witness her peak
        consin Association of School Councils (WASC)   for academic success but also for a lifetime of   Congratulations, Sarah!  students’ interests in the world around them,
        Junior and Middle School (JAM) Administrator   leadership  and  service.  Building  meaningful             tease out reluctant learners with her storytell-
        of the Year. The award recognizes Hoffmann for   connections with students lies at the heart of our        ing skills, and masterfully make learning come
        his exceptional and unwavering support of Tem-  educational approach, as we believe in nurturing  alive.”
        pleton Middle School’s Student Council.  not just academic growth, but also personal and                       That  learning  especially  comes  alive
            “Brad’s  devotion  to  developing  the  lead-  leadership development.”                                beyond the walls of her hands-on classroom
        ership  potential  in  our  students  is  evident  to   “By championing the student council, our           as  she  guides  students  through  successfully
        everyone around him,” shares Templeton Asso-  principal provides a platform for students to voice          managing an animal lab, aquaculture lab, and
        ciate Principal Cody Leland. “He takes the time   their ideas, take on responsibilities and enact pos-     a  greenhouse  thanks  to  Rachel’s  vision  of  a
        to allow students to explore ideas, provides feed-  itive change in our school community,” explains        school  farm  where  students  could  take  their
        back  and  ultimately  cultivates  new  initiatives   Templeton  Middle  School  Student  Council          learning even further.
        alongside our student leaders. It is a passion of   Advisor  Mary  Caucutt.  “Through  this  support,          Whether  she’s  championing  those
        his and our students appreciate seeing a principal   students learn invaluable skills in collaboration,    affected by food insecurity, raising money for
        who is so actively engaged in wanting to better   decision-making and communication, laying the            the Happy Kids Backpack Program, or men-
        their Templeton experience.”        foundation for future leadership success.”                             toring  pre-service  Agriscience  teachers,  her
            WASC  Executive  Director  Bjorn  Berg   WASC  is  a  statewide  organization  of                      dedication spreads into her community.
        explained  that  Hoffmann  was  selected  because   public, private and parochial elementary, middle,          At her core, Rachel is a life learner and
        his  consistent  mentorship  has  played  a  crucial   junior  and  senior  high  school  student  councils   engaging  educator,  but  what  she  gives  back
        role  in  honing  Templeton  students’  leadership   and  student  leadership  groups  dedicated  to  the   makes  her  an  outstanding  educator,  commu-
        skills and fostering a positive and collaborative   continuation and expansion of leadership devel-        nity  collaborator,  and  national  champion  to
        environment. “Brad actively participates in and   opment and student responsibilities in Wisconsin.  rachel Sauvola  thousands.
        attends  each  Student  Council  event,  providing                                                             Congratulations, Rachel!
        invaluable support to their activities,” adds Berg.                     Agriscience teacher at New Richmond High
            Hoffmann  calls  this  a  tremendous  honor                         School (New Richmond School District)
        and says “This award serves as a testament to     As  an  agriculture  teacher  at  the  school,
        the dedication and hard work of our entire school                       Sauvola developed the Students Opportunities
        community, including students, educators, staff
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