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Teaching Today Wisconsin | Summer/Back to School 2024 Page 5
FabLab Stoughton Celebrates a Decade of Innovation and
Inspiration with Open House
Stoughton Area School District to use multiple machines to create functional
FabLab Stoughton, a pioneer in digital pieces. Students learn how to identify a problem,
fabrication and education, celebrated a decade do research, brainstorm multiple solutions,
of Innovation and inspiration with an open make a plan, and create,” Phillips said.
house. A Decade of Digital Discovery
Over the past ten years, FabLab Stoughton
has been a trailblazer in the world of education, FabLab Stoughton’s journey began during
providing cutting-edge learning opportunities the 2012-2013 school year when it was built
and serving as an inspiration for FabLabs across and assembled. In the fall of 2013, it opened
the nation. This milestone event is a testament its doors to students, becoming the first public
to the lab’s dedication to fostering innovation high school in Wisconsin and the second in the
and creativity, and everyone was invited to join nation to establish a FabLab. The lab has since
in the festivities. offered courses to 9-12 grade students, hosted
As reported by the Norse Star, the celebra- workshops for community members, and pro-
tion brought in many people, including some vided summer school classes for middle-level
from local companies and SHS Fab Lab students students, transforming itself into a vibrant hub
and instructors. During the event, many also of learning and creation.
gave speeches, including District Administrator Setting the Stage for National Recognition
Dan Keyser, former District Administrator Tim In 2022, FabLab Stoughton served as
Onsager, and Stoughton Mayor Tim Swadley. the backdrop for an episode of “Make48”,
At SHS, five Fab Lab courses are offered, a national DIY show broadcast on This Old A Beacon of Inspiration A Global Network of Innovation
including Fab Lab: Introduction, Fab Lab: House and Roku Networks. Stoughton proudly FabLab Stoughton has inspired and facili- At the heart of FabLab Stoughton’s success
Make Something Big, and Fab Lab: Printmak- became the first small city to host the show, the tated knowledge sharing among 36 school is its connection to MIT’s Center for Bits and
ing and Design, taught by Ruth Phillips. Fab first to host it in a public high school, and the districts in and around the state. As a testament Atoms, as it serves as an educational outreach
Lab: Community Projects and Fab Lab: Indi- first to employ an all-student Tool Tech team. to its success, other FabLabs, such as Wauna- component. This connection has led to the
vidual Projects are taught by Cindy Carter. This achievement is a testament to FabLab kee, east Troy, Three Lakes, Turtle Lake, Mt creation of a global network, a distributed labo-
“[In Fab Lab classes], students interested Stoughton’s commitment to fostering a culture Horeb, and Mosinee, have looked up to FabLab
in engineering or the arts have the opportunity of innovation and hands-on learning. Stoughton as a role model for their endeavors. Continued on Page 7