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CTE / Engineering
        Teaching Today Wisconsin | Summer/Back to School 2024                                                                                  Page 7

                      North High Senior Appreciates Workforce Experience Gained from

                      Youth Apprenticeship Program

                                                                                I have learned to upkeep
                                                                                and run preventive main-
                                                                                tenance  on  machines  to
                                                                                ensure that they continue
                                                                                to  run  smoothly.  It  has
                                                                                been  fun  getting  on-the-
                                                                                job training while getting
                                                                                   What  other  classes
                                                                                are you taking?
                                                                                   I am taking AP Cal-
                                                                                culus,  AP  Physics,  and
                                                                                Myth and Legends.
                                                                                   What  activities  are
                                                                                you  involved  in  (clubs,
                                                                                organizations, sports)?
                                                                                   I’m  involved  with
                                                                                the  Red  Raider  Robotics
                                                                                team here in Sheboygan.
                                                                                I am also an eagle Scout.
                                                                                   What is your favor-
                                                                                ite thing about your Red
        Sheboygan Area School District         What project are you most proud of?  Raider  Manufacturing
            Brendan Severns, a senior at North High   I  am  most  proud  of  my  eagle  Scout   experience?
        School,  has  been  participating  in  the  Youth   project  because  it  culminated  all  my  years   The program allows
        Apprenticeship  Program  this  school  year  at   of  scouting  and  everything  I  have  learned.   new people to learn real-
        MGF,  a  national  cheese  supplier.  He  values   Communicating,  engineering,  and  leadership   world skills that they can
        the knowledge and experience he has gained   were all pivotal skills in helping complete the   apply  to  their  lives  after
        from working at a local company while still in   project. It showed what I could do and accom-  high  school. They  get  to
        high school.                        plish when I set my mind to it.     test and see if they want
        Learn more about Brendan and his       Have you taken advantage of any on-site   to go into the manufactur-
                                                                                ing  process  later  in  life,
        experience:                         work experience opportunities?      and  even  if  they  don’t
                                               I  am  currently  employed  at  MGF  as  a
            What Tech Ed classes are you currently   maintenance  employee  through  the  Youth   go  into  a  manufacturing
        taking, or have you taken in your high school   Apprenticeship Program. I have learned what   field, those skills will help
        career?                             it is like to be in an actual workforce. I have   them in their daily lives to
            I have taken Introduction to engineering   gotten  to  see  how  much  the  industrial  parts   solve problems
        and Design, Principles of engineering, Digital   cost  and  the  amount  of  work  that  goes  into   Why   should   a
        Electronics,  Capstone  Engineering,  Intro  to   keeping machines running. I also have gotten   student participate in the
        CAD and STEM, Power Mechanics, Explor-  to see how maintenance workers’ jobs could   Red Raider Manufactur-
        ing Robotics, and Automation.       be made easier along with the machine user.   ing program?
                                                                                   They   get   great
                                                                                hands-on  experience  that
        FabLab Stoughton Open House                                             can prepare them for the
                                                                                real world or college. No
        Continued from Page 5                                                   matter  what  path  they
                                                                                choose, the program will               The  Sheboygan  Area  School  District  has
        ratory  for  research  and  invention,  connecting   Unlocking Imagination  help them with problem-solving and thinking   seen  increasing  numbers  of  students  taking
        learners,  educators,  technologists,  researchers,                     outside the box.                   advantage of Youth Apprenticeships, where they
        makers, and innovators across the world.  Math teacher Chris Wiemer explains that   What are your future plans?
                                            having access to this “prototyping facility” has                       can earn high school credit and spend part of
        A Vision realized                   made imagination the only limiting factor. He   I have received the SPeF Minnie Riess   their  school  day  working  and  earning  money
            FabLab  Stoughton  was  originally  con-  emphasizes that kids excel at imagining, making   Detling  Memorial  Scholarship  for  $50,000   while gaining employment skills for the future!
        ceived  as  a  three-year  experiment  to  provide   the lab's work all the more exciting.  and will be attending a university for Mechan-  Thank you to our many local employers
        experiential  learning  opportunities  for  high   Contact: Mike Connor  ical engineering in the fall.     and RRM partners who provide these learning
        school  students  using  digital  technology,   email:                     and earning opportunities for our high school
        including  3D  printers,  laser  cutter/engravers,   Website:                          students.
        and  computer  numerically  controlled  (CNC)
        machinery. Co-founder Mike Connor expressed
        his astonishment, saying, “This has gone way
        above and beyond my wildest dreams.”                                          
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